Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Love is such an important thing to us all; even to those who aren't conscious of it's importance, there is a fundamental need to be loved and share love at the center of each of us. Yet, how many people share what real love means, what it truly is to give unconditional love to another. In order to give love to another, you must have it for yourself. There must be within you a space you have created, a universe essentially filled with love of the self, and love of that which you have created...your is after this creation within yourself, you can then share that creation, that universe with another. Respectively, that also means in order to really share in unconditional love, that other person must have created that same space; a space of peace, wholeness, gratitude.. without this type of exchange, there will always be imbalance and disharmony within the relationship. There will be a tug of war between ego and fear, and love and faith. When you are able to share in unconditional love, you are able to be present for your loved one, open-hearted and aware of their energy and communication. This requires a stillness and peace within you, to be present to listen and feel someone else's passions and dreams...their experience. The paradox is, if you have not built this kind of presence for yourself, this ability to be present and feel without ambivalence or judgment; than how can you possibly do it for another. You can only share what you have to share, give what you have to give; anything else is an illusion the ego creates to feel secure. What is ironic, is that this type of behavior is what keeps people from having healthy, deep emotionally connected relationships; even though that's what drives them to have the behavior, because it's coming from a space of lack. When we are filled up with our own love, and contentment in life, then we have a space to offer another to come share with us...It is about giving and sharing, not seeking and one can fill that space but you and your source of love, God or as some would say the Universe. Blessings and love to you always, Namaste Carrie Lynn

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